Establishment and history
The investment company Reggeborgh was founded in 1991 by the Wessels family. The group's construction activities have always involved investing in real estate. Investments in this sector increased throughout the 1990s, and Reggeborgh Vastgoed was founded in 2003. At that time Reggeborgh Vastgoed had a portfolio of predominantly commercial property in the Netherlands and the UK.
Expansion into Germany
We also made our initial forays into the German housing market in 2003. Reggeborgh Vastgoed started by developing and investing in small-scale housing projects. It wasn't long before the developments took off and we purchased large housing complexes and other real estate throughout Germany.
However, the main focus of our investments was in and around Berlin. As our interests grew, we decided to open an office in Berlin.

Project Grandaire - Berlin
Joint venture
A new era dawned for us in 2006, when we entered into a joint venture with an institutional Dutch investor. Entrepreneurship and institutional thinking came together, further professionalising our organisation.
Our investment strategy increasingly focused on the housing market. To maintain control of the strong growth, we acquired an interest in a German property management company. Reggeborgh Vastgoed soon developed into a true urban property investor. In 2006, we disposed of our UK office portfolio.
The real estate and financial crisis
The year 2007 was dominated by the global real estate and financial crisis. Reggeborgh Vastgoed weathered this difficult period well, as the major investments we had made in the German housing market proved to be stable and crisis-proof. On the other hand, commercial real estate in the Netherlands suffered the throes of a deep recession.
Since 2008 Reggeborgh Vastgoed has focused solely on the development of new residential property in Germany and no longer buys existing property. In the Netherlands we operate as a financial partner in a number of large commercial development projects in which VolkerWessels is also involved.
Focus on the housing market
The focus in the Netherlands changed from 2013 onwards. By then the crisis was behind us and we had started to invest in housing here again. At that time, only a few investors were operating in the housing market. The first MorgenWonen home was produced by VolkerWessels in 2013 as well. In the first year we invested in all the projects developed according to this concept.

MorgenWonen home
A new era dawned in 2015 when we decided to phase out the older and commercial real estate in Germany with the ultimate aim of having a ‘young’ residential portfolio in the regions of Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Frankfurt. At the same time, we added newly developed projects to our portfolio.
The quality of the projects continued to improve. The knowledge we gained in developing housing projects in Germany was already being put to full use in the greater Randstad area in the Netherlands. We also began intensifying our focus on corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Following the trend set in our German activities, we acquired an interest in a Dutch property management company as well.
Working with partners
In addition to residential projects, we are currently developing hotels, logistics facilities, real estate and offices. We generally collaborate with partners on these projects. Residential investments make up 80% of our investment portfolio. Almost without exception, we developed them with partners and they were built by VolkerWessels. Similarly, we have sold some of our commercial projects in our Dutch portfolio in recent years and our residential portfolio is growing steadily.Click on "Projects" to see some examples of our projects in both the Netherlands and Germany.